file readme_GMD5_model_runs.txt Nov 5, 2014 Sam Perkins/Ginger Pugh Kansas Dept of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources Notes on model files for cases presented Nov 4, 2014 to Groundwater Management District No. 5 and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by Kansas Dept of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources The zipfile named should be unzipped such that the folder structure is maintained. After unzipping, the procedures for running the 1-layer and 7-layer model cases and associated preprocessing and postprocessing can be viewed in two text files that can be converted into batch files by changing the extensions from txt to bat. File run_RSBsn_scenarios.txt is in GMD5\1L\Scenarios, and shows the commands that were used to run the preprocessor to build the well files, to run Modflow and then a postprocessor to summarize budgets over the Rattlesnake C basin extent for the 1-layer model scenarios that were presented. File run_RSBsn_scenarios_ML.txt is in GMD5\ML\Scenarios, and shows the commands used to build the well file and run Modflow for scenario 11 with the 7-layer model. Commands in the above batch files can be run from GMD5\1L\Scenarios (for the 1-layer model cases) or from GMD5\ML\Scenarios (for the 7-layer model cases). 1-layer model runs not presented on Nov 4 include scenarios for pumping shutoffs in 2000; and a baseline and scenarios for the low ET and recharge calibration. Name files for these runs are in GMD5\1L\Scenarios\nam subfolders LowET and 2000_shutoff. Preprocessor input files for building the well files for the 2000 shutoff cases are in GMD5\1L\Scenarios\pre. to run the 2000-shutoff cases requires first running the preprocessor to build the well files before running Modflow. The procedures shown in the batch file for the 1-layer model runs above provide a guide to how the low-ET and 2000-shutoff cases can be (and were) run. The input well files for the low-ET model runs are produced by the preprocessing runs listed in the 1-layer batch file run_RSBsn_scenarios.txt (above) for the corresponding scenarios.