! Compiling acct with Gnu Fortran: ! Prior to compiling, linking or running: ! set path=%path%;C:\MinGW\bin\ ! To compile: ! Switches: -c: Compile without linking; -o [specify executable_filename]; -ffree-line-length-none (free format source code, no line length limit), -Wall (Warnings all) ! gfortran -c -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=bounds -Fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none acct.f ! gfortran -c -Wall -Wextra -fcheck=bounds -Fbacktrace -ffree-line-length-none utl.f ! gfortran -static -o acct acct.o utl.o ! run acct with acct.exe, acct.par and all files *.sfi in same folder, e.g. c:\rrca_gm\2000> ! acct usage (from acct.f): acct par ref co ks ne mound ver ! modified acct as acct_test to open and write an htm file instead of writing std output: acct_test acct.par 12p.sfi 12p1.sfi 12p2.sfi 12p3.sfi 12p4.sfi 12p ! version to include table of total impacts: acct_test2 acct.par 12p.sfi 12p1.sfi 12p2.sfi 12p3.sfi 12p4.sfi 12p0.sfi 12p ! downloaded files from republicanriver.org: ! acct.par: download with parameter and flag files in par.zip ! acct.f, acct.ins and utl.f: download with program source code and executables in progs.zip ! *.sfi: download MODFLOW output streamflow files (hydmod output)