:: file run_cocrep_2000-2015_model_backup.txt :: run from c:\gw\RRCA\cocrep> :: EVT file: :: [note: file in\2000-2015.evt is referenced by the KS impact cases for all three scenarios; :: the base cases [all on] and CO impact cases [CO pumping and mound imports off] all use file inco\ref.evt.] perl bin/mket.pl 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 > in\2000-2015.evt :: STR file: :: Run dat2dbf to convert from space-delimited text files to create dbf files for the "small Bonny" scenario in which :: Bonny forebay elevation is set to 3640 ft beginning in Dec 1999 and Bonny dam seepage is set equal to 2 cfs for inflow to segment 176. :: Run dat2dbf as described in RRCA GM User Manual, p. 81 under "Prepare Reservoir Data for 2004" (reference: file RRCA_GM_UserManual12S_1.0.pdf) :: a) specify historical forebay elevations 1918-2015 for all reservoirs but with Bonny FB elevation = 3640 ft beginning in December 1999; :: b) specify Bonny dam seepage = 2 cfs and CCP flows. :: Both dbf files are used by a version of Perl script mkstr modified as mkstr2_smallBonny.pl that also specifies stream conductance in :: only one cell for Bonny as C=8.873425 ft^2/day, using stream preprocessor input file data0\12s3_sb.str, corresponding to lake surface area of 176 acres corresponding to FB elevation of 3640 ft based on the :: area-elevation table for the 2011 lake survey. File mkstr2_smallBonny.pl specifies the preprocessor and dbf finput files in line 97, :: my %args = GetOpt('f:r:q:',f=>'data0/12s3_sb.str',r=>'data/sb/reservoir.dbf',q=>'data/flow.dbf'); bin\dat2dbf.pl -o data\reservoir_sb.dbf data\reservoir_sb.txt bin\dat2dbf.pl -o data\sb\flow.dbf data\sb\flow_sb.prn perl bin/mkstr2_smallBonny.pl 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 > in\2000-2015_sb.str :: rrpp version rrppv8 to write WEL, RCH files: :: Note: CO pumping and recharge files for existing and enhanced CREP scenarios are read by rrppv8 from folders cocrep and sf, respectively, :: which are identical to corresponding files in CO backup file folders no and sf, except that the CO backup files for years 2016-2031 :: have been renamed to represent corresponding years 2000-2015 (see file rename_co_files.txt). bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015.par > rrpp\2000-2015.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015a.par > rrpp\2000-2015a.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015b.par > rrpp\2000-2015b.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015_cocrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015_cocrep.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015a_cocrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015a_cocrep.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015b_cocrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015b_cocrep.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015_sfcrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015_csfcrep.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015a_sfcrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015a_sfcrep.log bin\rrppv8 rrpp\2000-2015b_sfcrep.par > rrpp\2000-2015b_sfcrep.log :: Write initial head files used for all three scenarios: use computed heads at the end of Dec 1999 from 1918-2000 model runs. :: The output starting head files were written to folder heads but copied to folder in for reference by MODFLOW *.bas files. :: base case: all stresses on (case 12p); write file 2000.shead :: CO impact case: CO pumping and mound imports off (case 12p14); write 2000ad.shead and rename as 2000a.shead :: KS impact case: KS pumping off (case 12p2); write 2000b.shead. :: These initial conditions are sufficiently accurate for South Fork subbasin compliance analysis. But for full RR basin impacts :: under "5-run" scheme, correction will be needed so that pumping impacts are calculated with mound imports off. bin\readHeads < heads\readHeads_12p_Dec1999.par > heads\readHeads_12p_Dec1999.log bin\readHeads < heads\readHeads_12p14_Dec1999.par > heads\readHeads_12p14_Dec1999.log bin\readHeads < heads\readHeads_12p2_Dec1999.par > heads\readHeads_12p2_Dec1999.log :: model runs :: small Bonny, historical pumping: :: all stresses ON: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015_sb.nam :: CO pumping and MOUND OFF: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015a_sb.nam bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015b_sb.nam :: small Bonny, CO existing CREP pumping :: all stresses ON: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015_sb_cocrep.nam :: CO pumping and MOUND OFF: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015a_sb_cocrep.nam bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015b_sb_cocrep.nam :: small Bonny, CO enhanced CREP pumping :: all stresses ON: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015_sb_sfcrep.nam :: CO pumping and MOUND OFF: bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015a_sb_sfcrep.nam bin\mf2k nam\2000-2015b_sb_sfcrep.nam :: program acct: CBCU calcs :: historical scenario 2000-2015a_sb: same as historical record but with "small Bonny" for all years 2000-2015 (forebay elev 3640 ft, dam seepage 2 cfs). bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb.sfi out\2000-2015a_sb.sfi "CO impacts with small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015a_sb bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb.sfi out\2000-2015b_sb.sfi "KS impacts with small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015b_sb :: historical scenario 2000-2015a_sb_cocrep: EXISTING CO CREP reductions and "small Bonny" (forebay elev 3640 ft, dam seepage 2 cfs). bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb_cocrep.sfi out\2000-2015a_sb_cocrep.sfi "CO impacts with CREP and small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015a_sb_cocrep bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb_cocrep.sfi out\2000-2015b_sb_cocrep.sfi "KS impacts with CREP and small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015b_sb_cocrep :: historical scenario 2000-2015a_sb_sfcrep: ENHANCED CO CREP reductions and "small Bonny" (forebay elev 3640 ft, dam seepage 2 cfs). bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb_sfcrep.sfi out\2000-2015a_sb_sfcrep.sfi "CO impacts with ENHANCED CREP and small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015a_sb_sfcrep bin\acctyrs acct.par out\2000-2015_sb_sfcrep.sfi out\2000-2015b_sb_sfcrep.sfi "KS impacts with ENHANCED CREP and small Bonny 2000-2015" impacts\2000-2015b_sb_sfcrep