:: file readme_HUF_to_LPF_procedure.txt :: The following is a concatenation of two commented batch files that describe the procedure followed, for both 1- and 7-layer model versions, :: to use the hufprint utility to extract hydrogeologic property files from the HUF package data for each model layer, and use the extractedfiles :: files in a model version with the Layer Property Flow (LPF) package that in principle should produce the same results. Comparison :: for the 1-layer model version appears to show that computed heads are nearly identical for the most part. The main difference appears to be :: the number of inactive cells with head = -9999: 2965 for the HUF version and 3173 for the LPF version. :: Single-layer model procedure: :: file HUF_to_LPF_procedure_1L.bat :: run programs from GMD5\1L\scenarios> :: :: write hydraulic property files, based on mf2k modified name file LPF\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM: :: notes: :: a. file nam\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM refers to the GMD5 model historical base case using the Wet Walnut update of the ..\\Arrays folder. :: b. hufprint refers to a version of the above name file, LPF\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM, with two changes for the purpose of running hufprint: :: 1. the SFR package input line is commented out; hufprint doesn't recognize the SFR package but doesn't do anything with a stream package anyway. :: 2. the budget summary output file unit number is changed from 95 to 75 so that it doesn't interfere with a reserved range of file unit numbers in hufprint. :: c. hufprint has two arguments: the namefile (modified as above for hufprint) and a command file, with the command PRINT_LAY to write out HK, SS and HANI property files. :: Content of the command file: PRINT_LAY 1 0 HK SS HANI :: The batch file LPF\run_hufprint.bat contains the following line: LPF\hufprint LPF\rs_wells_baseline_bgw_ww.nam LPF\cmd_file.txt :: Hydraulic property output files are L001_HK.dat, L001_SS.dat and L001_HANI.dat, written in a Modflow list-type printout format. :: Program Readwrite reads the above files and writes them in a format more easily referenced in an open/close statement in the LPF package, and with extension txt: :: Readwrite is run separately for each of the files with batch file run_readwrite.bat: LPF\run_readwrite :: Move the reformatted property files with extension txt to the LPF folder, which also contains the LPF package input file dwr_gmd5mod_1Layer.LPF. Run mf2k for the LPF version of the above base case; see header line of file LPF\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_WW.nam: ..\BGWmf2k1_18 < LPF\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_WW.in > out\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_WW.log :: Extract computed heads for HUF and LPF versions of base case at end of each calendar year: ..\bin\readHeadsdbf < heads\readHeadsdbf_baseline_bgw_WW.par > heads\readHeadsdbf_baseline_bgw_WW.log ..\bin\readHeadsdbf < heads\readHeadsdbf_baseline_dwr_LPF.par > heads\readHeadsdbf_baseline_dwr_LPF.log :: Import the resulting *.shead text files into Excel file RS_wells_baseline_dwr_WW_LPF_vs_bgw_WW_HUF_1Layer.xlsx for comparison. :: Differences are calculated in sheet discrepancy_dwr_LPF_WW.shead. :: Summary of comparison: :: The HUF version (sheet baseline_bgw_WW.shead) shows 2965 cells with head=-9999; :: The LPF version (sheet baseline_dwr_LPF_WW.shead) shows 3173 cells with head=-9999, and 208 more cells with head=-9999 than the HUF version. :: For the discrepancy sheet discrepancy_dwr_LPF_WW.shead, 16142 cells are active, lie within GMD5 and do not have head value = -9999. :: Sum of discrepancy over these cells ranges from -0.97 ft in 1963 to 6.78 ft in 2002, so the average discrepancy is small, :: ranging from -6e-5 ft in 1963 to 0.4e-3 ft in 2002. ::-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Seven-layer model procedure: :: file HUF_to_LPF_procedure_ML.bat :: run programs from GMD5\ML\scenarios> :: :: write hydraulic property files, based on mf2k modified name file LPF\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM: :: notes: :: a. file nam\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM refers to the GMD5 model historical base case using the Wet Walnut update of the ..\\Arrays folder. :: b. hufprint refers to a version of the above name file, LPF\RS_wells_baseline_bgw_WW.NAM, with two changes for the purpose of running hufprint: :: 1. the SFR package input line is commented out; hufprint doesn't recognize the SFR package but doesn't do anything with a stream package anyway. :: 2. the budget summary output file unit number is changed from 95 to 75 so that it doesn't interfere with a reserved range of file unit numbers in hufprint. :: c. hufprint has two arguments: the namefile (modified as above for hufprint) and a command file, cmd_file_ML.txt, :: with seven PRINT_LAY commands to write out HK, SS and HANI property files for each of seven layers. :: PRINT_LAY commands: PRINT_LAY n 0 HK SS HANI [for n from 1 to 7] :: The batch file LPF\run_hufprint_ML.bat contains the following line: LPF\hufprint LPF\RS_wells_baseline_bgw.nam LPF\cmd_file_ML.txt :: Hydraulic property output files are L001_HK.dat, L001_SS.dat and L001_HANI.dat for layer 1, written in a Modflow list-type printout format, :: and similarly named for layers 2-7. :: Program Readwrite reads the files produced by hufprint and writes them in a format more easily referenced in an open/close statement in the LPF package, and with extension txt: :: Readwrite is run separately for each of the files with batch file run_readwrite.bat: LPF\run_readwrite :: Move the reformatted property files with extension txt to the LPF folder, which also contains the LPF package input file dwr_gmd5mod_1Layer.LPF. Run mf2k for the LPF version of the above base case; see header line of file LPF\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_WW.nam: ..\BGWmf2k1_18 < LPF\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_2yrs.in > out\RS_wells_baseline_dwr_LPF_2yrs.log :: Note: Computed heads have not been compared yet for HUF and LPF versions.