File readme_RS-Zenith_rspmap_update_736_model_runs_spp_2017_1103.txt Nov 3, 2017: Update to response map of Rattlesnake C-Zenith stream depletion for 3960 PLSS sections within or near GMD5 Sam Perkins with help making model runs from Elizabeth, David E., Ginger, Karen and Hongsheng Rattlesnake C depletion response at Zenith has previously been evaluated for 483 PLSS sections, with kriging used to extrapolate model response to a total of 3960 PLSS sections in GMD5. The increase from 263 original model runs to 483 resulted in significant change to Zone A (10 pct or greater response), especially expansion to the west. Since the Zone A boundary definition is based mostly on kriged response values, we were asked how the boundary might be affected if based on modeled instead of kriged responses. To answer this, depletion response at Zenith was evaluated with model runs for 253 additional PLSS sections. These include all PLSS sections within Zone A for the revised response map (v3) that were outside of Zone A for the original response map (v1), plus one section width external to v3 and internal to v1. David E identified 290 affected PLSS sections, which are listed in Excel file Quivira_resp_chng_area.xlsx and mapped in file Quivira_resp_chng_area.png. Depletion response had previously been modeled for some of these sections. These were identified in col. B, sheet scen16_v1-v3_change_area of file rerun_seven_sets_and_change_area.xlsx. 253 of the sections had not been run and are listed in sheet scen16_v1-v3_change_to_run. Batch commands to run Scenario 16 for these sections were created in sheet run_scen16_chng_area_v1-v3. These were also appended to previous 483 batch commands in sheet run_scen16_eight_sets. Sheet was exported to a space-delimited (*.prn) file and renamed run_scen16_v1-v3_chng_1-50.bat. The batch file was split into five batch files with 50-60 model runs each and run on five corresponding computers at workstations for Elizabeth, David, Ginger, Karen and Hongsheng beginning about noon on Monday. Some of these were reassigned because of a couple of overnight computer shutdowns. All 253 model runs had completed by midday Wednesday. Impact summary output files rspmap\scen16_av1998-2007_corrected_pumping.prn on each computer were renamed to distinguish them, copied to \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel\GMD5\1L\scenarios\rspmap\rerun, where they were collected into a single file, scen16_av1998-2007_set8_1-253.prn, and imported as sheet import_set_8 in file scen16_av1998-2007_rspmap_736_sections.xlsx, and appended to results for 483 previous model runs in sheet scen16_av1998-2007_rerun, rows 485-737. Kriging Annual impact at the Zenith gage (segment 1992) averaged for 1998-2007, col. F of sheet scen16_av1998-2007_rerun, was kriged from the 736 sections of model runs to 3960 sections in GMD5. Sheets in the same file were set up for input to kriging as follows. Create input files for kriging: Sheet krige_from_736_sections provides the 736 sections' projected coordinates (cols. A,B) of the impacts (col. C) to be kriged. The PLSS section description (TRS, col. D) is matched in col. F (OBJECTID) to col. B of sheet plss_StatePlane_KS_So_ft, an imported copy of a Kansas PLSS polygon shapefile reprojected to GMD5 gw model coordinates (Kansas State Plane South NAD 1983 ft). The matching record indexes these coordinates in cols. A and B of sheet krige_from_736_sections. Sheet krige_736_to_3960_sections provides projected coordinates (cols. A,B) of all sections where impacts are to be kriged, including the 736 sections with impacts given by the model, which are identified in Col. C by a positive sequence number 1-736. Kriging is applied to all sections with a zero in col. C. The above two sheets were exported as comma-delimited files of the same names with extension '.csv'. The kriging routine was run with batch file batch file run_krige_PLSS_rsp_736_sections.bat from subfolder krigersp as follows: Krige_PLSS_RSP krige_from_483_sections.csv krige_483_to_3960_sections.csv PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_7sets.csv Output was to comma-delimited file PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_v4.csv, which was imported into the above file scen16_av1998-2007_rspmap_736_sections.xlsx as sheet PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_v4. Col. H calculates the difference between the kriged impact in col. D (ac-ft/yr) and the previous version in col. D of sheet PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_7sets. The kriged output file PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_v4.csv was passed to David Engelhaupt, who created an updated version of the response map, and a map that compares Zone A and B boundaries for versions 3 and 4 (file Quivira_zone_chng_v3_v4.png).