File readme_notes_re_running_model_to_update_response_map_spp_2017_1107.txt (spp Nov 7, 2017) [update to file readme_notes_re_running_model_to_update_response_map_spp_2017_0801.txt] See "Update 10/31 with additional 253 model runs," below. Notes on batch runs for updating Rattlesnake C-Zenith depletion response map: [These notes come from emails to coordinate model runs on four computers.] I have divided 263 model runs into four groups that will run on our respective computers if all goes well. You can launch the runs yourselves or I can get it going. Procedure: On your workstation’s local drive c: create folder gw unless you already have one. Copy file into c:\gw from \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel . Pull the folder build_GMD5_rspmap out of the zipfile and put it in c:\gw. Open a Command Prompt Window. At the command prompt, enter cd\gw\build_GMD5_rspmap\1L\scenarios From the above folder, initiate a batch run as follows: Sam: bat\ rerun_sections_1-65 [actually I ran the first one as a test then started 2-65] Hongsheng: bat\rerun_sections_66-130 Ginger: bat\rerun_sections_131-195 David: bat\rerun_sections_196-263 That’s it! Remember not to shut down your computer. If all goes well it should run possibly into Sunday, and I can concatenate summary files on Monday. Additional 220 model runs: Save to your local drive in c:\gw\build_GMD5_rspmap\1L\scenarios\bat the batch files in \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel\build_GMD5_rspmap_set7 run one of them as follows: Sam: bat\run_set7_sections_1-55 Hongsheng: bat\ run_set7_sections_56-110 Ginger: bat\run_set7_sections_111-165 David: bat\run_set7_sections_166-220 Collecting depletion response summaries: After the batch run finishes on your computer, you can do the following, or have me do it if you’re busy: Open a file explorer window into local folder C:\gw\build_GMD5_rspmap\1L\scenarios\rspmap Copy or rename the summary response file scen16_av1998-2007_rerun.prn in that folder so as to identify the set of sections your computer ran. I ran set7 sections 1-55. I’ll rename my summary file scen16_av1998-2007_rerun_set7_1-55_Sam.prn. Open another file explorer window for \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel\GMD5\1L\scenarios\rspmap\rerun Then copy the renamed response file to this folder from your local folder. kriging modeled response from 483 sections to 3960 sections: See folder krigersp, batch file run_krige_PLSS_rsp_483_sections.bat program krige_PLSS_rsp.exe input and output files: input: modeled depletion response at centroids of 483 PLSS sections: file krige_from_483_sections.csv input: centroids of 3960 PLSS sections where response is to be kriged (except for sections with modeled response): file krige_483_to_3960_sections.csv output: kriged depletion response at centroids of 3960 PLSS sections: file PLSS_RSC_kriged_response_7sets.csv The above output file was then used in GIS to create a revised depletion response zone file. Update 10/31 with additional 253 model runs: For background on this expansion, see file readme_RS-Zenith_rspmap_update_736_model_runs_spp_2017_1103.txt. The additional 253 model run commands are in file run_scen16_v1-v3_chng_set_8.bat in \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel\GMD5\1L\scenarios\bat\expansion_sections. The 253 runs were split up into five batch files and copied to five corresponding computers in c:\gw\build_GMD5_rspmap\1L\scenarios\bat to be run from c:\gw\build_GMD5_rspmap\1L\scenarios as follows: Elizabeth: bat\run_set8_sections_1-50 David E: bat\run_set8_sections_101-160 Ginger: bat\run_set8_sections_161-220 Karen: bat\run_set8_sections_221-253 Hongsheng: bat\run_set8_sections_51-100 Adjustments were made because of computer shutdowns. Impact summaries were collected into file scen16_av1998-2007_set8_1-253.prn in \\ag-dwr\Files\HydroModel\GMD5\1L\scenarios\rspmap\rerun. See file readme_RS-Zenith_rspmap_update_736_model_runs_spp_2017_1103.txt for details on where these results were integrated with the previous 483 model runs and kriged to 3960 PLSS sections.