:: run from N:\gw\NWKS\futures> run_50pctpump_GMD4.bat :: set up Nov 1 2013 spp KDA-DWR :: :: run rrppf_v520 to write pumping and intermediate recharge files to folder in\: ..\bin\rrppf_v520_apps_nwks rrpp/50pctpump_GMD4.par > rrpp/50pctpump_GMD4.log :: :: run spkrig... to add refined version of precip recharge for NWKS: :: [note: renamed SPKRIG_lin_drift_kansas_terrain_dwrtest as SPKRIGF] ..\bin\SPKRIGF spkrig\50pctpump_GMD4.par :: :: run modified version of mf2k for the 50pctpump case, using the recharge and pumping files produced by :: the above runs; other files are either rrca files or as modified by SSPA for NWKS model version. ..\bin\mf2k_ext_varthick nam\50pctpump_GMD4.nam :: :: extract annual gw model budget summarized over priority area 6 for case 50pctpump_GMD4 in folder budgets\: ..\bin\readccf_STBSN_v2c budgets\50pctpump_GMD4.inp >budgets\50pctpump_GMD4.log :: :: extract computed heads at the end of each calendar year for years 2006-2068; write to heads\50pctpump_GMD4_2006-2068.txt. ..\bin\readHeads_test < heads\readHeads_50pctpump_GMD4.par > heads\readHeads_50pctpump_GMD4.log ::