RRCA Kansas data for 2010

To download the files, right-click on the link, select "Save Target As", and save the files.

Data for the April 15, 2011 exchange were posted April 12, 2011; final data were posted July 8, 2011.

Recordings from the annual meeting:

RRCA accounting files

Kansas annual reporting

1. Surface water diversions and irrigated acres - The source data is included in RRCS_Overlap_Groups_2010prelim.zip (listed under “model input files”).

2. Groundwater pumping and irrigated acreage - Groundwater data required by the Settlement is included in the Excel file below entitled  RRCS_Overlap_Groups_2008Final.xls except:

3. Climate information - 2010precip_temp_data.xls - Climate data used to calculate Crop Irrigation Requirements; should be publicly available. (Mar 11, 2011)

4. Crop Irrigation Requirements: KSCIR_update2010_COMPARE.xls (Apr 13, 2011)

5.  Streamflow records from State-Maintained Gaging Records - Not applicable to Kansas 

6.  Platte River Reservoirs - Not applicable to KS

7. Water Administration Notification - Not applicable to KS

8. Moratorium

·         2010_KS_Wells_Moratorium.xls (Apr 12, 2011)

·         Water Appropriation Regs Adopted in 2010.pdf (Apr 12, 2011)

9. Non-Federal Reservoirs - There were no new dams constructed in KS within the RRC basin above Hardy. Thus the inventory is the same we provided last year.

Kansas RRCA groundwater model input files

Preliminary data (posted April 12, 2011)

·         GWFor2010Prelim.zip - Groundwater data files (*.rcg, *.pmp, 2010.mi, 2010.agw) (April 12, 2011)

·         SWFor2010Prelim.zip - Surface water recharge files for the model (*.rcg, 2010.asw) (April 12, 2011)

·         RRCS_Overlap_Groups_2010prelim.zip - supporting data for development of the files above (April 13, 2011)

·         gwprog2010prelim.zip - Program and data files to produce the groundwater files for 2010. Batch file operation: pumprech [year] [Almena factor] for year = 2010 and Almena factor = 0.718776 (gw irrigated area /total irrigated area in Almena District).

·         swprog2010prelim.zip - Program and data files to produce the surface water recharge files for 2010.  Batch file operation: swrech [year] for year = 2010.

·         staticdata2010.zip - Static data files used by our GW and SW programs (April 12, 2011)

The staticdata2010.zip file includes three files (02.ibound, 40coords.dat and cty.flg) from commonprogs2004.zip that has been posted in previous years, plus four additional files (swrech.par, pumprech.par, monthlyfactorsbycounty.txt and Almenapdivs.txt), which are read by updated programs in gwprog2010prelim.zip and swprog2010prelim.zip.  Batch files are used to run the programs.  The program changes eliminate the need to create separate copies of these data files and programs to produce preliminary and final versions of each year’s groundwater model input files. –spp April 12, 2011

Final data (posted July 8, 2011)

·         GWFor2010final.zip - Groundwater data files (*.rcg, *.pmp, 2010.mi, 2010.agw) (July 7, 2011)

·         SWFor2010final.zip - Surface water recharge files for the model (*.rcg, 2010.asw) (April 12, 2011)

·         RRCS_Overlap_Groups_2010final.zip - supporting data for development of the files above (April 13, 2011)

·         gwprog2010final.zip - Program and data files to produce the groundwater files for 2010. Batch file operation: pumprech [year] [Almena factor] for year = 2010 and Almena factor = 0.718776 (gw irrigated area /total irrigated area in Almena District).

·         swprog2010final.zip - Program and data files to produce the surface water recharge files for 2010.  Batch file operation: swrech [year] for year = 2010.

Programs to produce groundwater data files (pumprechv7) and surface water data files (swrechv3) for the model were modified to eliminate the need to create separate copies of the programs and static data files for each year’s preliminary and file data exchanges. The program to produce groundwater data files for the final data exchange (pumprechv8) was further modified to write distances between points of diversion and place of use to a diagnostic output file AuthacresYYYY.out.  Other than these changes, the programs remain unchanged from those used in 2009.

For questions contact Chris Beightel at 785-296-3830.

Last updated: July 8, 2011 (spp)