Kansas data for the April 15, 2018 exchange were posted April 13, 2018. Final updates were posted June 18-July 11, 2018.
To download the files, right-click on the link, select "Save Target As", and save the files. NOTE: Choose option “SAVE” or “SAVE AS”; option to “OPEN” files may not work.
Recordings from the annual meeting:
(Preliminary data posted April 12, 2018; final data posted June 18, 2018)
1. Surface water diversions and irrigated acres - Supporting data are in RRCS_Overlap_Groups_2017_final_20180607.zip (July 11, 2018)
2. Groundwater pumping and irrigated acreage - Groundwater data required by the Settlement is included in the above file.
Climate information - KSNE2017_precip_temp_data_PRISM.zip
– Daily climate data used to calculate Crop Irrigation Requirements.
Data source: PRISM Data Explorer
4. Crop Irrigation Requirements: Summary by county and comparison
with previous years.
· CIR summary by county: KSCIR_summary_For2017.xlsx
· CIR comparison with previous years: in progress
5. Streamflow records from State-Maintained Gaging Records - Not applicable to Kansas
6. Platte River Reservoirs - Not applicable to KS
7. Water Administration Notification - Not applicable to KS
8. Moratorium
· 2017_KS_Wells_Moratorium.xls
· Kansas%20Water%20Appropriation%20Regs%20Adopted%20in%202017.pdf
9. Non-Federal Reservoirs - There were no new dams constructed in KS within the RRC basin above Hardy. Thus the inventory is the same we provided last year.
(Preliminary data posted April 12, 2018)
gwFor2017prelim.zip - Groundwater data files (*.rcg, *.pmp, 2017.mi, 2017.agw).
- Surface water recharge files for the model (*.rcg,
2017.asw; updated 4/19/2018).
- supporting data for development of the files above.
gwprog2017prelim.zip - Program and data files
to produce the groundwater files for 2017. Batch file pumprech
was updated to specify Almena area factor equal to 1 for 2017. Batch file
operation: pumprech 2017
swprog2017prelim.zip - Program and data files
to produce the surface water recharge files for 2017 (updated 4/19/2018). Batch file operation: swrech
staticdata2010.zip - Static data files used by
the GW and SW programs; unchanged since 2010 data exchange.
The staticdata2010.zip file
includes three files (02.ibound, 40coords.dat and
cty.flg) from commonprogs2004.zip that has been posted in previous years, plus
four additional files (swrech.par, pumprech.par, monthlyfactorsbycounty.txt and
Almenapdivs.txt), which are read by updated programs in gwprog2017prelim.zip
and swprog2017prelim.zip. Batch files
are used to run the programs.
Program changes for the 2018 update:
The program used previously to produce groundwater pumping input files, pumprechv10, has been superseded by pumprechv11 (.exe and .for files). Changes were made primarily to expand diagnostics written to text file authacresYYYY.out to help track down reporting errors, with a few to avoid compiler grumbling; but neither type of change should have any effect on the model input files written by the program.
For the final update in June 2018, output formatting was modified in programs pumprechv11 and swrechv3 to more clearly define summary output to files pumprech_check2017.out (written by pumprechv11) and swrech_check2017.out (swrechv3); calculations in both programs remain otherwise unchanged from the previous version.
Program changes 2010-2017:
Program pumprechv10 and swrechv3 were both modified slightly in order to refer to static files in folder \RRCA\EC\static\; program pumprechv10 was superseded by purmprechv11.
A recurring problem noted by Willem in the past is that for a relatively small number of points of diversion, their overlap groups groups are not associated with authorized place of use. This problem was explained in 2014 as a result of changes to the water rights database that occurred between the time whe overlap groups were defined, which is always near the end of the calendar year of water use (circa December 19) and the time when the database is queried in the following year (April 1 and 5 this year for preliminary data).
The program pumprechv10 was modified to build a list of such wells, and then placing the missing irrigated area and return flow in the cells corresponding to the associated points of diversion. The program pumprechv10 is a modified version of pumprechv9, last used to produce the pumping data for the April 15, 2015 preliminary data exchange.
The batch file and program previously used to produce groundwater data files (pumprechv9) was modified to expand a diagnostics output file but otherwise remains unchanged. The batch file and program used to produce surface water data files (swrechv3) remain unchanged from the April 15, 2011 preliminary data exchange.
program used to produce groundwater data files, pumprechv9, is a modified
version of pumprechv8 that was used for the 2013 final data exchange. It was
modified only to expand the diagnostics output file AuthacresYYYY.out
to show total groundwater irrigated area in each cell as authorized irrigation
tracts are accumulated, but otherwise has no effect on output. The groundwater batch file pumprech now runs pumprechv10. The year is given as a
command line argument. The Almena District reported no delivered water for 2015
or 2017, so that the Almena factor, the groundwater-exclusive irrigation area
as a fraction of total irrigated area in the Almena District, is equal to 1 for
2015 and 2017.
Program changes in
2010 eliminated the
need to create separate copies of the programs and static data files for each
year’s data exchanges. The program pumprechv8 was revised in 2011 to calculate
distances between points of diversion and places of use, and write the
distances to AuthacresYYYY.out, and to a summary of
reported irrigated area by grid cell, file acresgridYYYY.dat.
Final data (posted July 6):
GWFor2017Final.zip - Groundwater data files (*.rcg, *.pmp, 2017.mi, 2017.agw).
SWFor2017Final.zip - Surface water recharge files
for the model (*.rcg, 2017.asw).
- supporting data for development of the groundwater input data files (updated
July 11 with documentation and corrections).
gwprog2017Final.zip - Program and data files to
produce the groundwater files for 2017.
Batch file
operation: pumprech 2017
swprog2017Final.zip - Program and data files to
produce the surface water recharge files for 2017.
Batch file operation: swrech
For questions contact Chris Beightel at 785-564-6659.
Last updated: July 11, 2018 (spp)